- Validate the part and prepare timeline.
- Follow weekly progress.
- Providing progress reportto customer in Weekly basis
- If delay, prepare alternative plan to achieve the master schedule
- Prepare Trial schedule
- Follow the Trail plan checklist And attend the trial.
- Follow the PIS and Validate the part.
- Send the trial Report to Customer with PDCA
- Prepare action plan for open issues .
- Validate the Quality, CT, Scrap and OEE.
- Plan the DOE for failures.
- Release the part According to all requirements
- Prepare the DFM Report
for ECN.
- If necessary, prepare the MFA.
- Highlight the risk with
- Follow up the ECR with
Best cost.
- Complete the transfer checklist.
- Coordinate with final moulder and Tool Shop.
- Follow Shipment documents.
- Received the mould in final location